News and developments
a look behind the scenes
Milestones, new developments, partnerships or projects, as soon as we have time for them in the daily hustle and bustle, we like to turn them into concise news items and clear cases. Learn more about what keeps us busy and take a look behind the scenes at Stanstechniek.

Optimization solar panel mounting system sloped roof
Tens of millions of units have since been delivered, but it started in late 2015 when a mounting system specialist asked us to look at a more efficient version of a whole range of mounting brackets for which solar panels…

Product development soundproof enclosure
The energy transition requires building gas-free new homes. Therefore, a specialist in sustainable climate technology approached Stanstechniek to develop a casing for the outdoor units of air-to-water heat pumps.

Open day Stanstechniek 60 years
Stanstechniek is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. Therefore, we invite everyone to a festive Open House on Saturday, November 25, 2023!

Digital transformation with ORCHESTRATOR
With tons of material flowing through our processes, we are actually a data factory. With the ORCHESTRATOR project, we are working on a digital architecture that connects everything.

Stanstechniek acquires Bekker Industrial Tools
Gerd Bekker and Jurgen van Loon signed the sales contract to officially transfer Bekker Industrial Tools to Stanstechniek as of Jan. 1, 2023!

Doetinchem Open Business Day
It was another great event, the Open Bedrijvendag Doetinchem at the end of September 2022. At Stanstechniek, as an official opening, the ribbon was cut for a wide audience.

Digital sheet metal factory in Look at East Netherlands
Many metal companies think so, but Stanstechniek does it. The commissioning of our automatic sheet metal factory appeared as a high-profile article in Kijk op Oost Nederland.

Solar power with smart roof panels from Sunchip
Stanstechniek is participating in CO2 reduction with the production of solar cell roofing sheets as an alternative to asbestos roofs in the agricultural sector.